Animal science is a diverse field of education which studies the biology of different animals that are under the care of humans. Traditionally the animal science degree online consisted the study of farm and livestock including horses but eventually pets have also been included in this degree program. According to the American Society of Animal Science there are more than 400 job titles in this field making it one of the biggest providers of employment to people.

Programs Included in the Animal Science Degree Online

Professionals in this field along with the biological study pay emphasis on the growth, reproduction, nourishment and health of all domestic and pets. There are three animal science degree programs you can pursue. 

  • Associate Degree in AS
  • Bachelors Degree in AS
  • Graduate Degree in AS
  • Doctoral Degree in AS

For anyone interested in getting any of these degrees online you will have to start with enrolling into an associate degree program first and after its completion progress into the other programs.

Students follow a different course work in every degree program i-e in an associate program the basic business and scientific studies about the upbringing of livestock and study about the production of foods the major courses students need to take are: 

  • Agricultural economics
  • Livestock production
  • Organic chemistry
  • Organic biology
  • Agricultural statistics

After completing the associate degree students can then further continue their education with a bachelor degree and later go on to the graduate and doctoral fields.

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